Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Zero Carbon Africa

I was pleasantly surprised when I got the message that I was chosen as South Africa's Focal Point for Zero Carbon Africa's effort to combat climate change and environmental degradation in Africa.

Zero Carbon Africa (ZCA) is an alliance of youth-led/focused organizations and young individuals working to build grassroots movement across Africa to combat the effect of climate change and environmental degradation through innovative grassroots projects and Continental Day of Actions to mobilize Africa for sustainable development.

My Responsibilities for the 2 years include:

·Represent Zero Carbon Africa in your country as a focal point

·Conduct research on organizations working in your country on climate change, environmental protection and/or sustainable development and make contact with such organizations.

·Coordinate the National Day of Action on Climate Change, and other Zero Carbon Africa activities in your country.

·Build relationship and engage loose collections of individuals, activists and organizations to increase grassroots climate change awareness in your country.

·Collate monthly report on activities on climate change by local organizers, groups, advocates, individuals for Zero Carbon Africa in your country.

·Submit a brief report and pictures of conferences/important meetings attended.

·Contribute timely feedback upon request on important issues, documents and/or proposals.

·Contribute climate change-related news and relevant resources for the Zero Carbon Africa website and blog.

·Represent Zero Carbon Africa and its objectives of empowering the youth working on climate change at any relevant national conferences and events.

·Undertake outreach and communication with Zero Carbon Africa in your country, to ensure equal focus and representation related to national needs, challenges and activities.

·Organize local gatherings (networking meetings, capacity building) at least once every six months with young change makers in resource-constrained areas.

The Zero Carbon Africa Continental Day of Action on Climate Change is October 25, on this day I am expected to carry out grassroots activities that demonstrate real action to adapt and mitigate climate change effect.

As a Country Focal Point I am required to inspire others to do the same in my country.

During my first Skype conference call with Country Focal Points from all over Africa I got goose bumps because I realised the immensity of the project and my responsibilities.



1 comment:

  1. HI Eb,

    congrats man, you know I miss being involved in environmental projects, yhoooooOOO! I saw the Zero Carbon Africa and applied and I was unsuccessful now I know it was because of you. LOL. However I am still part of the network headed by the Zaid Shopeju. I miss being in involved and I am planning to make a return. Well done mate
